The 400 richest American billionaires have more total wealth than all 10 million Black American households combined. There is a vital and vibrant conversation in America today about reparations programs and other expenditure-based approaches to close the racial wealth gap. These investments are a moral imperative and an urgent economic necessity.
Prosperity Now 2020 Scorecard
This report contains the main findings from the research that comprises the 2018 Prosperity Now Scorecard. It is a departure from the tone and format of our past Scorecard reports, but a necessary departure if we are to make a meaningful contribution to current national and state policy discussions.
Prosperity Now: Race and Wealth Podcast
Dreams Deferred: How Enriching the 1% Widens the Racial Wealth Divide
Dreams Deferred presents a snapshot of the racial wealth divide in the United States today, looking at the current state of household wealth, income, homeownership, debt, and other economic factors. It also reviews long-term trends that led to this current moment, as well as, the historical policies and contributors to this deepening divide.
The Neglected College Race Gap: Racial Disparities Among College Completers - May 2018
Reducing Racial Wealth Inequalities in Greater Boston: Building a Shared Agenda - May 2017
Through a six-month process of deep learning convened by the Boston Fed and facilitated by external consultant Cynthia Silva Parker, senior associate at the Interaction Institute for Social Change, the working group studied the root causes of racial wealth inequalities, prioritized possible solutions, and created a shared agenda.